Thursday, May 21, 2020

Especially during hard times such as the Great Depression,...

Especially during hard times such as the Great Depression, the concept of companionship is crucial. The book Of Mice and Men tells a story of how different people choose to face the world, each of them holding on to their own impossible dreams in the toughest of situations. As the story grows, the characters lean on each other and latch on to each other in hopes of leaving their isolation. Steinbeck explores the idea of friendship and loneliness by the characterization of George, Lennie, Curly’s wife, Crooks, and Candy. During the Great Depression, people lived for themselves and worked for themselves, blocking up everything else around them in fear. As George put it- â€Å"Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the†¦show more content†¦Crooks, who lives alone and is treated differently because of his skin chooses to scoff and criticize Lennie, who is mentally held back. Because Crooks feels vulnerable, he criticizes Lennie’s dream of th e farm and his dependence on George. He cannot face his own weaknesses of being black with a crooked back so therefore he must pick on Lennie’s weaknesses. Candy is another character that deals with loneliness. After Carlson kills his dog, Candy latches on to George and Lennie’s dream of owning a farm. He volunteers to give his life savings into buying some land for them. By dreaming with George and Lennie, he distracts himself from his harsh reality and gives in to his desperate need to believe in a world kinder than the one which he lives in. He is so devoted to the thought of a better life that even after Lennie has killed Curley’s wife, he is frantic to think that everything will still be okay. â€Å"Now Candy spoke his greatest fear. ‘You an’ me can get that little place, can’t we, George? You an’ me can go there an’ live nice, can’t we, George? Can’t we?’† (pg.94) This quote shows that in the en d, Candy’s dream of freedom was delusional. And the people like Candy and George that dared to believe in friendship and dreams are left the most alone of all. Each of the characters in the book Of Mice and Men take on a journey through friendship and loneliness.Show MoreRelatedEssay on Mateship in Australian Films5134 Words   |  21 Pagesfreq. used to a casual acquaintance and esp. in recent useà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ironic. Other dictionaries also have their definitions of the two terms. Mate is Companion, fellow worker, form of address among equals, especially sailors and labourers. 2. One of a pair, especially of birds; fitting partner in marriage etc (Concise Oxford Dictionary). Mateship is The quality or state of being a mate. 2. A code of conduct among men stressing equality and friendship (The Macquarie Read MoreSchool and Home Factors Influence the Education of Children4177 Words   |  17 Pageshow to function in the world. 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