Thursday, May 14, 2020

Critique of Quantitative and Qualitative Articles

Critique of Quantitative and Qualitative ArticlesA critique of quantitative and qualitative articles is one that should be prepared well in advance if the author is to have any chance of successfully completing the assignment. It is also best to do this beforehand so that there is no confusion regarding what is expected of the author.If an article is written, in part, as a means of marketing a product or service, then the author may consider doing some research into the area. However, it is unlikely that such research will be done for an article and more likely the writer will focus on their subject. As a result, it is important that the writer carefully considers their objective.The key to a critique of a sample essay is that it should be well written and concise. In order to have a critique that is useful to the author, it must be complete. The writer should be able to give their full thoughts on every element of the essay so that they are able to show that they are writing well.Th e critical essay should begin with a definition of the objective of the writer and the purpose of the critique of the sample essay. Then the writer should outline their topic and provide examples to support their statements. This is also the time to discuss what areas should be included in the critique.When writing about information the writer should not only be critical but give examples of the methods they used. For example, it is possible that the writer did not include certain elements in their writing, even though they were clearly needed. At the end of the article the writer should have something to offer that should be considered a contribution. A review of the qualitative aspects of the sample essay is usually included.Following the critical phase of the critique of the sample essay the writer should end by answering any questions the reader may have. Any disagreement between the writer and the reader is an opportunity to improve their communication skills. Discussing their own knowledge and experience can be a great place to improve and this discussion should not be avoided.In conclusion, when giving a critique to an assignment or paper the writer should follow the above guidelines. First, it is important to remember that this is a critical review and not a comparison. Second, the writer should take some time to write a meaningful critique. Finally, the writer should offer suggestions that can help the reader move forward.The most successful critiques of articles are also the ones that allow the writer to provide useful feedback for the purpose of improving their work. The author's own flaws should not detract from their own ability to write. Instead, it is important to consider the role of feedback when attempting to make a work of art better.

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