Monday, September 30, 2019

Titration of Calcium HydroxideG

We did this by titrating Hydrochloric Acid into 10 com of Calcium Hydroxide. As we titrated HCI into the Calcium Hydroxide solution, the phenolphthalein's pink shade given to the Calcium Hydroxide slowly became clearer until the complete lack of pink color in the solution of base and acid. My value of 1. 58 g/mol was close to the accepted value of . 59 g/mol with only a 0. 6 + 0. 007% error, which is almost identical to the theoretical value. Because of such a small percentage error, one can attribute the error to random error, and not systematic because of its small value.Limitation/weakness How much did it affect my result Human error exists even outside uncertainty, where the HCI solution was possibly not correctly stirred along with the Calcium Hydroxide. Because of the fact that this is a titration experiment, the stirring and conglomeration of hydrochloric acid and calcium hydroxide needed to be constant in order for the reaction and correct mount of hydrochloric acid was used to neutralize the basic aspect of calcium hydroxide. Because of the inconsistent stirring, there must have been a small amount of error attributed to this limitation, though it may not look as much.Possibility: The Calcium Hydroxide solid that did not dissolve into the water may have passed the filter into the actual solution used, causing discrepancies in the data. A second limitation/weakness that may have caused our error is because of the fact that we may not have been careful enough with the filtration of the saturated Calcium Hydroxide. Because the filters themselves may not have been perfect experiment might have taken a wrong turn with solid Calcium Hydroxide within the solution as well, needing a smidgen more Hydrochloric Acid to neutralize it.Evaluation of quality of the result: Although there is limitations to our measuring, since we were only able to measure to 2 decimals as a volume, this experiment is still a valid way to figure out the concentration of Calcium Hydroxi de with Just the amount and concentration of Hydrochloric Acid, and can be used by other scientists who would theoretically have no idea about how to go about the method of determining the concentration of Calcium Hydroxide. Limitation or weakness Improvement 1 . Human error exists even outside uncertainty, where the HCI solution was possibly not correctly stirred along with the Calcium Hydroxide.To lower this error and improve this limitation, we could have the same person stir the solution/titration constantly, with more precision and concentration over this mixture, as to get the correct amount of HCI needed to neutralize the solution without any disagreements over what neutralized means or not. With two people concentrated over specific tasks, the uncertainty would also become much smaller as well due to less error attributed to our mistakes. 2. Possibility: The Calcium Hydroxide old that did not dissolve into the water may have passed the filter into the actual solution used, c ausing discrepancies in the data.One of the biggest improvements we could make is that we could, this time around, not add such a large amount of Calcium Hydroxide powder into water blindly, as had been done before, so that we would be able to have more saturated water to work with, as opposed to what we had to work with at that moment when the experiment was done. By doing that, we would be able to reduce uncertainty that may have come along with the solid Calcium Hydroxide mixed in with the saturated solution.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Child and Marginal Places

In the short essay â€Å"In Praise of Margins†, Ian Frazier puts himself back to the place in time when he did activities just for the sake of doing them. As a kid, Frazier traveled to the woods behind his house without a real sense of purpose. His main goal for the day or afternoon was just to explore, whatever that word may mean to him. Frazier and his friends spent hours on end in the woods simply breaking thin ice sheets, â€Å"throwing rocks at a fresh mudflat to make craters, shooting frogs with slingshots, making forts, picking blackberries, digging in what we were briefly persuaded was an Indian burial mound† (53).They weren’t doing anything important, but that was the point, to do something so insignificant but have it mean so much. Frazier explains that the activities he did as a kid â€Å"was a higher sort of unpurpose† (53), or in other words, marginal. I agree with Frazier about the important of marginality, because children in particular need to try out ideas for themselves and have some breathing room on their own. Marginal activities and places are important to kids, because they allow them to try out ideas or purposeless activities.As an example, Annie Dillard wrote a short essay called â€Å"Hitting Pay Dirt† in which she talks about receiving a microscope as a Christmas present and going down to her basement to play with it endlessly. Dillard received a microscope from her parents because she had wanted one ever since she read â€Å"The Field Book of Ponds and Streams† (82). She was utterly convinced that everyone needed a microscope. At first, Dillard failed and could not use the microscope correctly because the slides she saw were a â€Å"bust. † Eventually in late spring, Dillard succeeded and saw an amoeba.Proud of her accomplishment, she rushed upstairs to tell her parents, but they seemed more interested in their coffee than excited (83). From that point on she understood that you do what you do for pure enjoyment and love for the activity itself and that no one really cares, but yourself. The microscope was her marginal activity and the basement was her marginal place where she could do whatever she wanted. Dillard ends her short essaying stating: â€Å"Anything was possible. The sky was the limit. † (83). â€Å"Hitting Pay Dirt† and â€Å"In Praise of Margins† both have the similar idea of doing something for pure enjoyment.Dillard considers her work in the basement â€Å"play† because she enjoys it, but she didn’t actually realize that she was learning. This is a prime example of a marginal activity because she only used it for her enjoyment without a sense of real purpose. No purpose is needed because marginal activities allow you to be yourself and do something that you like to do, not because there is an end goal. Marginal activities like Dillard’s microscope allow children to try out ideas that they otherwise may neve r have found. A safe haven or a place to escape reality can be important to children.As a child, I lived in the typical two-story home in a typical suburbia neighborhood. I never really could keep much to myself or have ultimate freedom. My parents were typical over-protective parents who were scared that the world may danger and hurt their precious young boy. The only source of escape or get away I ever had was found in the play set in my back yard. It was just a little orange and blue play set that featured a slide and landing. Whenever I couldn’t be found, everyone knew that I was in my little play set in the back yard with my siblings and cousins.My play set was my marginal place because that was where I could come up with crazy imaginations and as soon as I stepped in my thoughts ran free. The play set was a get away from over bearing parents, homework, or even vegetable filled dinners. In that back yard, we could be anyone we wanted to be, think of the craziest adventur es, or even just sit and talk. The play set in the back yard didn’t consist of judgment or scrutiny; rather, it was filled with bliss and innocence. It was such an important part of my childhood and I honestly don’t know if I would be the same person I am today if my play set hadn’t exist.Frazier’s woods are equivalent to my play set in the back yard. It was our get away from reality, the pure pleasure of doing nothing and something at the same time. My play set was my marginal activity and place because it allowed me to explore thoughts and try out the craziest of ideas. It is important as a child to have a get away where you can do anything you wanted because sometimes children are brought up to be perfect. Expectations can get to a child and a safe haven from that is all that is needed.In the words of Ian Frazier â€Å" The margin is where you can try out odd ideas that you might be afraid to admit to with people looking on† (54). Marginal place s and activities are very important to children because it allows for breathing room. Not everything has to be purpose filled. Activities and places can be purposeless and just as satisfying as if it were purpose filled. Frazier took himself back to a time where everything was much simpler, and realized that marginal activities are very important. Marginal places and activities are important for everyone especially children. Child and Marginal Places In the short essay â€Å"In Praise of Margins†, Ian Frazier puts himself back to the place in time when he did activities just for the sake of doing them. As a kid, Frazier traveled to the woods behind his house without a real sense of purpose. His main goal for the day or afternoon was just to explore, whatever that word may mean to him. Frazier and his friends spent hours on end in the woods simply breaking thin ice sheets, â€Å"throwing rocks at a fresh mudflat to make craters, shooting frogs with slingshots, making forts, picking blackberries, digging in what we were briefly persuaded was an Indian burial mound† (53).They weren’t doing anything important, but that was the point, to do something so insignificant but have it mean so much. Frazier explains that the activities he did as a kid â€Å"was a higher sort of unpurpose† (53), or in other words, marginal. I agree with Frazier about the important of marginality, because children in particular need to try out ideas for themselves and have some breathing room on their own. Marginal activities and places are important to kids, because they allow them to try out ideas or purposeless activities.As an example, Annie Dillard wrote a short essay called â€Å"Hitting Pay Dirt† in which she talks about receiving a microscope as a Christmas present and going down to her basement to play with it endlessly. Dillard received a microscope from her parents because she had wanted one ever since she read â€Å"The Field Book of Ponds and Streams† (82). She was utterly convinced that everyone needed a microscope. At first, Dillard failed and could not use the microscope correctly because the slides she saw were a â€Å"bust. † Eventually in late spring, Dillard succeeded and saw an amoeba.Proud of her accomplishment, she rushed upstairs to tell her parents, but they seemed more interested in their coffee than excited (83). From that point on she understood that you do what you do for pure enjoyment and love for the activity itself and that no one really cares, but yourself. The microscope was her marginal activity and the basement was her marginal place where she could do whatever she wanted. Dillard ends her short essaying stating: â€Å"Anything was possible. The sky was the limit. † (83). â€Å"Hitting Pay Dirt† and â€Å"In Praise of Margins† both have the similar idea of doing something for pure enjoyment.Dillard considers her work in the basement â€Å"play† because she enjoys it, but she didn’t actually realize that she was learning. This is a prime example of a marginal activity because she only used it for her enjoyment without a sense of real purpose. No purpose is needed because marginal activities allow you to be yourself and do something that you like to do, not because there is an end goal. Marginal activities like Dillard’s microscope allow children to try out ideas that they otherwise may neve r have found. A safe haven or a place to escape reality can be important to children.As a child, I lived in the typical two-story home in a typical suburbia neighborhood. I never really could keep much to myself or have ultimate freedom. My parents were typical over-protective parents who were scared that the world may danger and hurt their precious young boy. The only source of escape or get away I ever had was found in the play set in my back yard. It was just a little orange and blue play set that featured a slide and landing. Whenever I couldn’t be found, everyone knew that I was in my little play set in the back yard with my siblings and cousins.My play set was my marginal place because that was where I could come up with crazy imaginations and as soon as I stepped in my thoughts ran free. The play set was a get away from over bearing parents, homework, or even vegetable filled dinners. In that back yard, we could be anyone we wanted to be, think of the craziest adventur es, or even just sit and talk. The play set in the back yard didn’t consist of judgment or scrutiny; rather, it was filled with bliss and innocence. It was such an important part of my childhood and I honestly don’t know if I would be the same person I am today if my play set hadn’t exist.Frazier’s woods are equivalent to my play set in the back yard. It was our get away from reality, the pure pleasure of doing nothing and something at the same time. My play set was my marginal activity and place because it allowed me to explore thoughts and try out the craziest of ideas. It is important as a child to have a get away where you can do anything you wanted because sometimes children are brought up to be perfect. Expectations can get to a child and a safe haven from that is all that is needed.In the words of Ian Frazier â€Å" The margin is where you can try out odd ideas that you might be afraid to admit to with people looking on† (54). Marginal place s and activities are very important to children because it allows for breathing room. Not everything has to be purpose filled. Activities and places can be purposeless and just as satisfying as if it were purpose filled. Frazier took himself back to a time where everything was much simpler, and realized that marginal activities are very important. Marginal places and activities are important for everyone especially children.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Contemporary issues in international event management Essay - 1

Contemporary issues in international event management - Essay Example role of this paper is to look at the international standards of sustainable event management, which are key concepts that make an event a success (Anderson 2010). According to Bowdin (2011) sustainability in event management refers to the decision-making, planning and participation in an event while being environmentally and socially responsible. An Event Management Industry, which does not respond to sustainability and does not operate within the sustainable management then the company, is likely to fail. Events have extraordinarily been used as a part of the organization’s brand experience. Hence it should be accessed alongside with the impact that it has on the environment. A company has to ensure the sustainable management of events and supplier activities in a more organized manner. The general public is demanding a clear and transparent system from the companies that has a higher brand value attributed to a certain service or a product. Sustainable event management is becoming more diverse, any industry now can host any event. The products and materials that are used to produce an event all have the negative impacts on the enviro nment, but these negative impacts can be reduced through using products that are environmental friendly, organic and fair trade(Bowdin 2011). Without doubt, a manager is a person who is held accountable to development of things that will promote the condition that they are controlling. There are several elements that are considered for one to be a manager of sustainability. Ideally, one needs to possess the ability to control matters and establish solutions that will be sustainable. The movement towards sustainable management establishes that institutions are starting to carry out a systems extensive approach that connects in the numerous segments of the business with greater focus on the environment. As sustainable management organization adapt to certain approaches, it becomes critically significant they integrate a picture

Not yet Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Not yet - Case Study Example It has also helped the company to maintain its sustainability. The company also has a wide product line. This is a subsection of the product mix. The Coca-Cola Company has a lot of products that have similar features which helps to attract the buyers. Providing consumers with a variety of products to choose from, and will therefore not require one to look for something from a different brand. This has made it a very popular company (Dost, 2006). The Coca-Cola Company has a wide product width; this means the different categories of products that the company has. The coca cola products have been put into many different categories; this makes it easy to please customers and to entice the prospective buyers. The product length of a company is the types of products within a company which complement each other. The company has been able to expand its width considerably, as it has many more beverages that are related to each other, even if they are not sold together. The company also boasts of a product depth where a product has different categories. For example, the coca cola company has coke light, coke classic, and coke diet (Coca-Cola, 2015). This makes it a very convenient product because one never runs out of alternatives to choose from (Ferrell & Hartline, 2007). The brand of a company is its unique identification name and symbol. This helps it to be easily distinguished from other companies. For the Coca-Cola classic, its brand name is quite popular all around the world. This has helped the company to flourish because it is outstanding, and a customer will not have any doubts that the product he or she is purchasing is the very one that they wanted. The coca cola company has many different brands. This makes it easier for buyers to choose the product they want. It has also helped to expand the company because of the brand loyalty that it has acquired over the years. It is a huge brand; therefore any product that is associated

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Change & Change Management Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Change & Change Management - Term Paper Example This is a fiction with an artistic approach Cheese as a word. Cheese has been used in the text to mean something that the company or organization holds dear (Spencer 14), hence why I chose this fictional text for analysis. The Cheese in this case refers to the livelihood, status and way of life that the four characters had in their environment (Spencer 14). For a company, the Cheese would be the status in the industry, the market size, the customers as well as the profits that they earn from their operations. When the Cheese is exhausted in the original station the four characters have to look for other ways to survive, just like how it happens when change occurs in any company. The mice are able to detect change before it happens and find ways to deal with it, while the little people wait for the change to happen before they can find ways to deal with it (Spencer 36). The intention of Spencer is to teach managers and anybody else interested in moving well with changes in an organiza tion. Most of the time, individuals would want to maintain the status quo because they are very comfortable with the current situations and would not like to put in more efforts to have a different status. Change is simply the alteration of the status quo or making things look differently from their original look. In organizations, change refers to the alteration of the overall work environment. Change can occur due to external or internal forces which disturb or force the status quo to be disturbed. Change caused by internal forces is called proactive change while that which is caused by external forces such as competition is referred to as reactive change. In Who Moved My Cheese, the writer uses four characters to describe how people react to change. Sniff and Scurry the mice are non judgmental and non-analytical. All they needed was cheese and were willing to do whatever it takes to get it. For the two little humans; Haw and Hem, cheese has a different meaning. It is a means of l ivelihood and helps them attain some sense of worth. When change occurs, a reaction to the change is in most cases involuntary and unplanned because most people fear change because they lack control over it. Change happens either to the individual or by the individual (Moris & Neering 76). It is because of this reason that Spencer shows us that what really matters the most, when it comes to change, is the attitude. It is important for an organisation to find ways of adopting to change. For example, big companies like IBM and Microsoft must craft ways of maintaining a competitive edge in the market and for them to do so they must embrace change in and outside (Moris & Neering 769). Introducing change is difficult and the process leaves different individuals with emotions and hatred for their managers and change agents. The best way of introducing change is aligning the company’s objectives with those of individuals (Yongmei & Pamela 265). Spencer’s allegory in Who Moved My Cheese, in this case is seen when the cheese is exhausted in one station and the two little people had to adopt a change; they had to craft other means of getting their daily bread (Spencer 36). As their way of adopting to change, Sniff and Scurry used try and error tactics. They searched one corridor after the other without assuming those corridors where they had never found cheese. Sniff, who is gifted with the skill of finding the direction of cheese, does so and scurry, goes ahead. Like managers in a company that is looking up for a positive change, they sometimes got lost but they retrace their direction and find their way (Spencer 34). This is not true for the mice alone; Denial in the process of adopting change is common in organizations.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Theories of Business Power Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Theories of Business Power - Research Paper Example When discussing business power and the society, the American Tobacco Company cannot go unmentioned. The company, founded by entrepreneur James B. Duke shortly after the Civil War, maximized on new technology from the Bonsack machine in order to increase the output of its cigarettes. It used cunning methods to market them worldwide. By 1881, almost ten years after he had switched to cigarettes from chewing tobacco, he was using Russian immigrants to roll his cigarettes and women to market them. By 1883, he had expanded his business to China as well as negotiated an exclusive contract for a cigarette-rolling machine. Texts show that by 1892, about 2.9 billion cigarettes had been sold and over 10 billion sold by 1903. The monopoly, however, disintegrated in 1911 but its effect of leaving millions of smokers worldwide and billions by now remains. Duke’s example in The American Tobacco Company illustrates the ability of commerce to change a society.The rise of the railroads in the United States in 1850 also illustrates how power radiated from this industry touching on the seven spheres of influence. The railroads changed both the American politics and the government in more than one ways. For example, the political candidates were able to get wide exposure, the government subsidized and later regulated these railroads too. To the American society, this railroad contributed to the Indian war, engineered professional management teams and introduced concepts such as cost accounting and division structures.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Assignment - Essay Example In his discourse, he equivalently points out defects existing in the Irish political system and the neglect of the ruling class which, according to Swift, ought to be blamed altogether for the crisis that had been worsened by the mercantilist structure of British control over his nation. Prior to the endeavour of illustrating the substance of his proposition, Swift initiates â€Å"A Modest Proposal† by briefing readers with a concrete picture of the grounds which he thinks amounted to a grievance that deserved an unordinary level of attention. He confesses â€Å"It is a melancholy object to those who walk through this great town or travel in the country, when they see the streets, the roads, and cabin doors, crowded with beggars of the female sex, followed by three, four, or six children, all in rags †¦ this prodigious number of children in the arms, or on the backs, or at the heels of their mothers, and frequently of their fathers, is in the present deplorable state of the kingdom..† (Swift, 5). ... By concretization of the problem parts, creating rich imagery in the minds that must be inclined to ponder on taking urgent course of action toward resolution, and by providing a sensible knowledge of statistical estimates and proportion between resources and human count, the satirist gradually manages to promote a conscious thought of the central theme of his philosophy and the grave predicament for which it should apply. So, on claiming that children may be sold for consumption to which he adds â€Å"instead of being a charge upon their parents or the parish †¦ they shall on the contrary contribute to the feeding, and partly to the clothing, of many thousands† (6), one may be perceived to understand not the irrational and ever inhumane principle of cannibalism, rather the gravity of the present circumstances and its future implications if unsettled. Moreover, Swift may be observed to have systematically spread vital details in adequate support of his arguments. In the e laborate numeration of the advantages corresponding his schematic proposal, Swift speaks of the reduction in the number of Papists, improvement in the capacity of poorer tenants to pay their rents, and the optimal circulation of goods and monetary gain once the large quantity of youth within the most tender ages could be turned into profitable carcasses and textiles. Then he continues to argue that the materialization of such an idea would keep ‘constant breeders’ from the burden of maintaining their offspring during growth, aside from the other benefits being a great economy for the Irish nation which would hence be brought to experience good dishes out of

Monday, September 23, 2019

Distance Learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Distance Learning - Essay Example The online enrollment estimations made in the late 1990s have been exceeded and continues to grow at amazingly high rates. Thus, the number of online students reached 2.6 million in the fall of 2004 (Allen, and Seaman, 2004). Despite the tremendous success of distance technology-mediated learning (this term covers not only fully online courses, but also various blended approaches that integrate online components into traditional classes), experts suggests that it still remains at an early stage of development (Smart, and Cappel, 2006). The conventional concepts and theories of education were reported to retain their suitability in the web-based learning environment. Numerous research studies demonstrated that cognitive factors such as performance, learning, and achievement in distance education classes are comparable to those observed in traditional classes (Russell, 1999). ... s enrolled in an introductory psychology course performed better in distance education courses, although the level of their satisfaction with them was lower. Students in the web based course consistently scored an average of five percentage points higher on the final exam than did those in the lecture course, but they consistently reported less satisfaction than the students in the lecture course (Hagel, and Shaw, 2003). Student satisfaction is currently believed to be one of the major indicators of student development in conventional higher education. The mission of higher education is not only to impart knowledge but also to enhance the student's total development (Astin, 1993). One of the ways higher education institutions accomplish this mission is by continuously collecting information on student satisfaction, defined by various authors as an "everpresent campus variable" (Betz, Menne, Starr, and Klingensmith, 1971: 99), the key outcome of higher education (Astin, 1993), and the 'quality enhancement tool designed to improve the quality of the student experience' (Harvey, Plimmer, Moon, and Geall, 1997: 3). Traditionally, the institutions of higher education have used the data on student satisfaction to improve understanding of the educational environments. This understanding, it its turn, allowed to create settings more conducive for student development. Student satisfaction is an indicator of higher education institutions' responsiveness to the needs of students. Also it is a measure of institutional effectiveness, success, and vitality. Measuring student satisfaction is also important for maintaining and increasing enrollment, managing attrition and retention problems, and making better-informed decisions in the area of student affairs (Beltyukova, 2002).

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Disability Discrimination Essay Example for Free

Disability Discrimination Essay Would you deem Karina disabled under the ADAAA? If so, what reasonable accommodations would you offer to her? Karina has a medical condition requiring her to take steroids and other medications. This condition led to Karina gaining weight and not able to wear two uniform items, the stockings and heels. These conditions affect her back, circulatory system, and endurance level. Additionally, according to her doctor, Karina must stop wearing the stockings and heels because of her condition. Based on this information, Karina does qualify as â€Å"disabled† even if she does not display symptoms that interfere with her ability to perform her duties. By taking medication, Karina is mitigating (reducing) the effects of her illness. However, her employer cannot consider this information in determining if she has a protected disability under the ADAAA. The ADA was passed nearly 20 years ago to provide legal protections for, and to end discrimination against, workers with disabilities. The ADA is a wide-ranging civil rights law that prohibits discrimination based on disability. It affords similar protections against discrimination to Americans with disabilities as the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which made discrimination based on race, religion, sex, national origin, and other characteristics illegal. Under the ADA, an individual is considered to have a disability if that individual either (1) has a physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of that persons major life activities, (2) has a record of such an impairment, or (3) is regarded by the covered entity as having such an impairment. The determination of whether any particular condition is considered a disability is made on a case by case basis. When the ADA was first passed into law in 1990, federal courts were very strict in determining which employees met the ADAs definition of a disability, resulting in the dismissal of many cases. A series of such court decisions made it increasingly difficult to qualify for the laws protections. To remedy this problem, Congress recently passed the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA), which went into effect on January 1, 2009. The ADAAA made five changes to the ADA that are significant. 1.It provides that the definition of the ADA disability must both be more flexible and broadly construed. 2.It expands the list of major life activities. 3.It provides that courts can no longer consider whether mitigating measures, such as medication or assistive technology, reduce the impact of impairment on an individual. 4.It states that diseases that are episodic or in remission may still be disabilities. 5.It provides that employees who claims they are regarded as disabled can now make an ADA claim, even if the perceived disability does not impact a major life activity. It is important that employers be up to speed on these changes. This is especially important because the ADAAA created a shift of emphasis in applying the law. In enacting the ADAAA, Congress instructed that it should be interpreted to favor broad coverage of individuals under the ADA, and that courts must focus not on whether an employee is disabled, but on whether the employer is complying with its obligations under the law.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

How typical is England to Her Sons Essay Example for Free

How typical is England to Her Sons Essay How typical is England to Her Sons of the poems in this section of the anthology. Happy is England in the brave that die. This is a line from Happy is England now. In my opinion it sums up the section as a whole because it is stating that the people of England wanted the soldiers to fight and they respect the sacrifices the men have made. The whole section revolves about the acknowledgment of the deaths of the soldiers and also the acceptance of it. Personification is used in England to her Sons and Happy is England Now about England itself. It conjures u a motherly and maternal image of the Motherland towards the soldiers going out to fight. Moreover, it unites England and makes it seem everyone had a positive attitude towards the war when it is mentioned that happy is England now as never yet, which implies that the whole of England is proud and glad that the soldiers are going to war. Happy is England Now projects a very strong and patriotic message of making sacrifices and protecting this picturesque England with her hills, rivers and her chafing sea. It uses natural imagery to stir up a desire to protect the land where these soldiers were born and raised. Moreover, a sense of experiencing this Happy England caused by the sacrifice of war, is created by the intensified senses created in the last stanza where birds sing the sweeter in our English ears and nobleness that shines the purer in their English hearts. It would have created a longing for people to be part of this wonderful land, and therefore they would have wanted to have protected it. Symbolism also has a large presence in these poems and it gives the poems depth and more complexity. England to her Sons uses symbolism to create a sense of ownership of the soldiers, Sons of mine I hear you thrilling and it is also implied that she bore the children which the Motherland then sends to war. In Fourth of August, the symbolism is used to make the soldiers seem very young and naive, Spirit of England, ardent eyed which makes the soldiers seem very keen and apprehensive, but also innocent and defenceless. Finally, symbolism is used to create a religious link between the War and the destroying dragon which Saint George, who represents England and her Soldiers, slays to protect his people. The soldiers in this section are made heroes for being martyrs. This is shown especially in Fourth of August on the last two lines, We step from the days of sour division into the grandeur of our fate, which shows that the soldiers and people believed that it was a good thing to die for ones country. This is also emphasised again in England to her Sons, where it creates a great sense for the soldiers and England, as they accept the death of their sons, save a little space to weep. And the worst friend and enemy is but Death, is a reference to Peace, and it just emphasises that even though Death reaps them of their lives, it also enables them to come closer with their Maker, God. Overall, England to her Sons represent this section of the anthology very well, because it includes everything that this section is trying to convey to the reader. It shows the sacrifice of England and the soldiers who give their life, and it projects the religious message of God, who will send them to heaven for their good deeds. Moreover it glorifies death by using euphemism, And if He in wisdom giveth Unto His beloved sleep, to acquire an acceptance of the soldiers. Lastly, it also shows the undoubting faith that the people of England had at that time, as they all believed that God would protect them and guide them to winning the War.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Discrimination In The English Language

Discrimination In The English Language There exists national and racial discrimination in the English language. Such kind of discrimination can be reflected by words, expressions and also proverbs. This linguistic phenomenon has profound historical and cultural background, reflects national bias, conflicts and hatred, and thus provides us information about historical relationships among nations. This paper analyses causes and connotations of national and racial slurs, and shows the potential negative effects of the slurs on international contacts. It also deals with the current state of linguistic discrimination in modern society and the efforts people make to eliminate the phenomenon. Language primarily functions as the communication tool and information transmitter, and is closely linked to ethnic. Every ethnic group in this world has its own language which may be either slightly or totally different from other groups. Language is the carrier of ethnic history and social culture, and evolves together with the society where it is used. So to speak, the development of the ethnic is the fundamental cause and basic condition of the development of the language. Since language and ethnic are so profoundly interrelated, it is no wonder that language is influenced by ethnic feelings and the latter are fully embodied in the former. 1.2 National and racial discrimination in the English language As a common social phenomenon, national and racial discrimination against other ethnic groups would inevitably exert influence on languages. Thus, slurs come into being in almost every language in the world. Among these languages, English is a particularly striking example which contains many national and racial slurs. It is clearly seen that in the English language, part of its large vocabulary is concerned with nations and races. Unpleasantly, this part often carries a connotation of national and racial discrimination. We can readily find slurs with various forms such as vocabulary, phrase, address, proverb, etc. Take the Dutch idioms for example. If a person says to you, you do beat the Dutch (Liu, 2003:131), he intends to mean that you are excellent. When people use the Dutch idioms, they may wonder how those idioms originate. In fact, the slurs in the English language have profound historical background. Though causes of slurs are rather complicated ¼Ã…’yet we can still sort out them. Among these complex causes, ethnocentrism, wars and racial differences are the most important ones. 1.3 Objectives of the study The study focuses on the phenomenon of national and racial discrimination in the English language. We will look into the reason why the slurs come into being and the connotations that they carry. Once we get a better idea of their connotations, we can know whether it is proper to use them in public. Hence, we can try to avoid misunderstandings in cross-cultural communication and improve our competence. Since there are so many slurs in English, we have to be very careful about them. We may wonder about the following questions. What consequence would they cause when used improperly? Are they still used frequently in daily life? Or are they going to fade out from the English language? 2. Causes of national and racial slurs in the English language 2.1 Obsession of ethnocentrism in the United Kingdom and United States In Oxford Advanced Learners English-Chinese Dictionary, ethnocentrism is based on the ideas and beliefs of one particular culture and using these to judge other cultures. (Hornby Wehmeier, 2004:580) Strong sense of national pride is one of the main causes of national discrimination. A nation with ethnocentrism believes in the superiority of its own culture including values, norms, languages, etc., and considers other nations as inferior to it. Since National feelings are closely interlinked with national language, national discrimination finds expression in the latter. The USA and the UK are considered to be very proud nations. We can tell ethnocentrism from the two countries names. (Jiao, 2009:57) The USA is short for the United States of America. Despite the fact that the word America stands for the whole continent including Canada and Mexico, the USA employs it as a component of its country name. When people say Americans today, they generally refer to the people of the USA and exclude Canadian and Mexican. The British is no less proud than the Americans. They used to claim their country to be the empire on which the sun never sets and the mistress of the seas (Mao, 2003:141) The full name of its nation is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The British prefer to call their country Great Britain. The UK is actually a small country but it is the only country around the world using great in its countrys name. Some proverbs in English are the authentic portrayal of the excessively proud mind of the British. For instance, the English are a nation of shop-keepers; all countries stand in need of Britain, and Britain of none; one Englishman can beat three Frenchmen. (Mao, 2003:143) From these proverbs, we can see this island country is completely indulged in self-admiration. It assumes that whatever in its country is good and useful while those in other countries are odd. More often than not, it despises other countries especially those once at war with it such as France and the Netherlands. Even two of the world major powers, Russia and the United States cannot escape the fate of being derided. As the proverb says, An American will go to hell for a bag of coffee. Scratch a Russian, and you will find a tarter. (Jiao, 2009:59) Ethnocentrism endows the English language with a predilection towards the UK and the USA, and a bias against other nations or races. An excess of national pride glorifies a country while shows contempt for the virtues of other countries. In reality, it is fair to say that any ethnic group in the world is likely to show undue pride of nationalism of various degrees, consciously or not. Nonetheless ¼Ã…’ethnocentrism negatively affects international relations and goes against peaceful coexistence. 2.2 National resentment caused by wars Historical events have undoubtedly made their contribution to the development of English lexicology. New expressions often emerge from times of war when national emotion is running high. In most cases, they continue to stay in the language in the process of social development even if hundreds of years have passed. The French and Dutch expressions and proverbs are the classic examples. From a geographical perspective, France faces the United Kingdom across the English Channel. From 1377 to 1453, France and England were engaged in wars over territory and economic benefit. (Dai, 2003) The hundred-year war ended in a victory for France. This certainly gave rise to resentment from Englishmen toward France. English people found expression for their hatred in the English vocabulary. They considered the word French as a derogatory one and created many terms containing the word. Even today, we can still see the French expressions usually used as pejorative in the English language. For instance, the proverb one Englishman can beat three Frenchmen means defeating enemy troops with a force inferior in number. Some French phrases are connected with sex and eroticism. A French postcard/novel (Hou, 2009:64) is a pornographic photo/book. French gout (Hou, 2009:64) is syphilis. Not only the term French but also Dutch fall into this category. Dated back to 16th century, England had been friendly with the Netherlands. It was not until the 17th century that the Netherlands became one of the largest colonial empires in the world and a strong competitor of England for maritime trade. (Dai, 2003) It was inevitable that growing commercial rivalry between England and the United Netherlands led to the outbreak of wars. There were three Anglo-Dutch Wars fought in the 17th century. After the wars, the United Kingdom of Great Britain achieved maritime supremacy. Due to the wars, hostility persisted for years between the two countries. Many Dutch expressions and proverbs represent English feelings toward the Dutch. For instance, Dutch comfort/consolation (Liu, 2003:131) means no comfort/consolation at all. If something is double Dutch (Liu, 2003:131) to a person, he can hardly understand it. 2.3 Racial differences The majority of Native English speakers are white people. White racists consider their ancestry is sacred and of higher quality than others. They believe that their race possesses absolute and remarkable superiority when compared to others. As a consequence, they disparage other races in the world. This kind of emotion can be called racial discrimination and is sufficiently reflected in the English language. People can name racial slurs, many of which are related with African Americans, Native Americans and Asians. Expressions and proverbs containing such words as Negro, nigger and Indian often carry a connotation of contempt. Particularly in the American English, we can recognize the serious racial discrimination phenomenon. The United States is described to be a big melting pot, into which immigrants from all around the world have come together and blended their cultures and traditions. People of different nationalities, races, colors and faiths inhabit in the same community, contacting, influencing and integrating mutually. Altogether, they create a dynamic, multi-ethnic, and multi-cultural society, and make their specific contribution to the American history. Yet ¼Ã…’this predominantly white country has been faced with racial contradictions and conflicts throughout its history. Strong hostility and prejudice between different racial groups, mostly the white and the colored, has resulted in racism in the English language and led to a rapid increase of discriminatory vocabulary. 2.4 National traits From the micro point of view, it is a common practice among people to remark on others physiological features, and make fun of them about their looks, shapes, and dressing. In a broad perspective, one ethnic group may tease another about its distinctive physiological feature which appears to be strange. It is conceivable that national traits (physiological features and characters) can also be a source of slurs in the English language. It is not surprising that Japanese, smaller in stature than the westerner ¼Ã…’get the nickname little-yellow-man (Liu, 2003:129) from the Americans. The Russians are nicknamed polar bears (Liu, 2003:129) because on one side part of Russia is located in the cold Arctic Circle, where polar bears often haunt, and on the other the Russians had a reputation for being strong and aggressive. Although these make sense, making fun of others about their distinctive traits is improper ¼Ã…’inconsiderate and even cruel after all. From the perspective of nation, every ethnic group is unique in its traits due to the interactions of heredity, environment and other factors. A nation is inclined to discriminate others on condition that it assumes its traits are better than any other nations. It is unfair and wrong to measure other nations by the standard of ones own nation. 2.5 Spatiotemporal differences Owing to spatiotemporal differences, countries face different environments which affect their knowledge about others. Therefore, the lack of knowledge of other areas would give rise to wrong interpretations and misunderstandings of people in those areas. Sometimes a countrys geographical backgrounds can become a popular topic and laughingstock to other countries. We may have heard the saying, Finland is the devils country (Mao, 2003:143) and wondered about its origin. As is known, Finland is situated at high latitudes of northern hemisphere with cold climatic conditions. The special geographical location leaves an impression on the English-speaking people that Finland is uninhabitable and only devils dare live there. In the English language, Chinese puzzle (Mao, 2003:142) refers to a complicated thing or problem. The phrase stems from the history when America and China had little contact. The Americans felt confused about China and had a poor understanding of the country. Hence, it is imaginable that they attached a sense of complexity to the word Chinese. 3.Words ¼Ã…’expressions and proverbs mirroring ethical prejudice In what way can words, expressions and proverbs reflect national and racial discrimination? From the point of modern English lexicology, there are four common tendencies of semantic change in words: restriction of meaning (specialization), extension of meaning (generalization), degeneration of meaning (pejoration), and elevation of meaning (amelioration). (Zhang, 1987:269) Among these four, degeneration of meaning refers to the condition that words once respectable or neutral may shift to a less respectable or even derogatory meaning. (Zhang, 1987:277) This is the most common method used in linguistic discrimination. For instance, the Dutch idioms in Chapter 3.1.1 have derogatory meanings because the word Dutch is degraded into negative sense. In English, there are so many idioms concerned about ethical prejudice that it would be difficult to cover all of them. Let us have a look at some of them from two broad categories. 3.1 Reflection of national discrimination Before moving on, I would like to state that all the idioms in the following paragraphs come from On National Prejudice in Language by Liu Baojun except those with special interlinear notes. 3.1.1 The Dutch idioms There are many Dutch expressions in English. We probably have heard or said them in daily life. However, we may have little idea about when they were first used and how they came into being. Dutch is explained by the unpleasant associations of certain historical events, namely, the Anglo-Dutch wars and rivalry at sea in the seventeenth century. Many of the Dutch expressions were first used in England at that time, during fierce naval competition between England and the Netherlands. British people used Dutch to refer to something bad. Now, of course, the British and the Dutch have a friendly relation. But the word Dutch is still used in almost the same way as it once was long time ago. The Dutch idioms can be classified into several types. First of all, some of the Dutch expressions are related to wine because the Dutch were regarded as bibber. The phrase Dutch courage is a slang term for courage gained after drinking alcohol. It is synonymous with liquid courage. The term is purported to have its origin in the battles of the seas. (Liu, 2003:131) It is said that the Dutch navy feared all other navies especially the English navy. It was rationalized that they must have drunk alcohol before battle to relieve their fear. A Dutch bargain or Dutch agreement, which is made between men who have drunk too much alcohol, is an uneven, one-sided deal. When the host is the first to get drunk in the party, it can be called a Dutch feast. Second, the British used to consider the Dutch very stingy about money. The Dutch always split the bill when whey went out for dinner. Based on this conception, Dutch treat referred to a dinner at which the invited guests should pay for their own share of food and drinks. A Dutch party is a party to which each guest contributes some food and drink. Today, Dutch treat has a slightly different meaning from that. When friends go out to have fun, each person pays his own share if they agree to Dutch treat or go Dutch. Third, in the eyes of the British, the Dutch were rude, irritable and weird. To get ones Dutch up is to flare up. To do a Dutch act means to commit suicide. If a person talks to you in a very severe way, he is talking like a Dutch uncle. This phrase emerges for the reason that the Dutch had a reputation for raising their children in a firm way. (Li, 2009:52) Not only expressions but also proverbs can convey national slurs. The Dutch has taken Holland can be interpreted as follows: a man who has seen little regards many things as strange and comment excitedly on a commonplace thing out of inexperience. However, people using these expressions may not be well aware that they are hurting the Netherlands national pride. Almost all the Dutch phrases contain negative connotation. The situation makes the Netherlands feel uncomfortable and low national respect. Thus, in 1934, Netherlands government commanded that officials should avoid use the word Dutch. (Hou, 2009:65) In spite of the effort, today the derogatory sense of the word still exists and people continue using it to refer to something negative. 3.1.2 The French idioms In the modern history of the world, France and the Great Britain rival each other in political, economic, cultural and military competition. Many British idioms have recorded the countrys discord with the French. French leave is an abrupt and unannounced departure without saying farewell to the host. The phrase can be traced back to 18th century. (Wang, 1999:45) From the view of character, the French were amiable and easygoing by nature. It was their custom that guests invited to dinner would depart without giving thanks or saying farewell to their host. To the British, in particular the English, whose reputed quality is reserved, leaving without saying goodbye is ill-mannered, discourteous and shows no respect for others. There goes the proverb when the Ethiopian is white, the French will love the English. In reality, The Ethiopians are dark-skinned and it is impossible that their skin will turn white. By using this logic analysis, neither is it possible that the French will love the English. The proverb implies that the state of hostility between the two countries would not end. Another proverb goes, The Italians are wise before the deed, the Germans in the deed, the French after the deed. (Jiao, 2009:59) By comparing France with another two countries, the idiom carries a message that the French are wooden-headed and witless. Historically, it was suggested by the Americans that some of the French expressions should be changed. Yet ¼Ã…’it was too early to be cheerful for the French. Here goes the story. In the first half of the year 2003, France opposed the plan shock and awe adopted by the American-led United Nations forces toward Iraq. This stirred up American disgust toward the French. A television host of FOX news, one of the American news media, called for a boycott of French goods. It was demanded that in the English language French toast and French fry should be changed into freedom toast and freedom fry while French leave should be reserved. (Du, 2005:23) Very interestingly, it seemed that the Americans wanted to keep the French expressions with derogatory sense and meanwhile discard others with neutral meaning. In such case, The French could do nothing but sulk. 3.1.3 The Chinaman/Chinese idioms In modern times, China cut off itself from the outside world. As a result of a seclusion policy in foreign relations, China lost an opportunity for development and fell behind. Thus, the western countries showed contempt to this poor and backward nation with weak comprehensive power. Chink and Chinaman have long been used as disparaging terms for the Chinese. Many figures of speech in the English reflected a history of Chinese being insulted. Chinamans chance essentially means an extremely slim chance or no chance at all for someone to accomplish his goal or successfully do an action. In 1978, American publisher Scribner published the novel Chinamans chance by Ross Thomas. Regardless of the content of the novel, people sought the origin of the title Chinamans chance. The historical context of the phrase dates from the goldrush days of California in the middle of the 19th century when many Chinese came here to work as laborers. (Jiao, 2009:58) Their job was demanding and very dangerous but lower-paying. The Chinese faced higher taxes, denial of citizenship and equal rights to white man. Chinamans chance truly depicts the hard life of Chinese in that city. Another expression occurred in the same period. To play someone for a Chinaman is to treat him as a fool. Many of the Chinese expressions heard in English are used as pejorative. A Chinese copy is an exact copy of an original. Chinese slavery means virtual slavery. Chinese compliment is used to describe a man who speaks one way and thinks another. Chinese fire drill refers to confusional and chaotic state, large but ineffective exercise, or the act of a group of individuals achieving nothing. If someone has Chinese restaurant syndrome (Wang, 1999:43), he may feel headache, vomiting, swirl or sweating caused by eating Chinese food that contains monosodium glutamate. Research suggests that there is no evidence of the so-called Chinese restaurant syndrome and it is nothing more than urban legend. 3.1.4 The Irishman and Irish idioms The United Kingdom is made up of four nations England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Of these four nations, the English people account for the majority of the population and feel most British. They have a strong sense of national pride and ridicule the rest of the kingdom. They would verbally attack Scotland, Wales, and in particular Ireland. We can take a look at some of the Irishman and Irish phrases. Irishmans dinner/feast actually means apastia. Irishmans promotion represents demotion. Irish diamond is not diamond at all. It is just crystal or stone. Irish evidence is seen as perjury. Irish compliment is backhanded compliment. If someone makes an Irish bull, he provides a paradoxical statement. To get ones Irish up (Hou,2009:64) means to lose ones temper. A similar expression is to get ones Dutch up. There are also Irish proverbs with offensive implications: Englands difficulty is Irelands opportunity; Put an Irishman on the spit, and you can always get another to baste him. (Mao, 2003:143) 3.1.5 The Welsh idioms The word Welsh shares the same fate of Irish. To Welsh is to repudiate a debt. According to English people, the phrase originates from 19th century when many Welsh people made a living by betting on horse racing. (Liu, 1999:79) They were said to have been extremely cunning because they always tried to get out of paying money when they lost the bet. Thus, in the eyes of English people, they became notorious for such a bad quality. Therefore, to Welsh on somebody is to go back on ones word. To Welsh on ones debt is to rat on ones debt As we know, England is a relatively rich nation when compared with Wales. Phrases like Welsh comb and Welsh carpet are used by the English people to mock at Welsh poverty. 3.1.6 The Greek idioms The word Greek is associated with trick, cattiness, and danger. Greek gift can not be interpreted literally. If a person receives a Greek gift, he should be cautious because the gift is given with the intention of tricking the recipient and causing harm to him. A proverb derives from this expression, I fear the Greeks, even when they come with the gifts. Greek trust indicates unreliability. When Greek meets Greek, and then comes the tug of war. It means that when enemies face each other, their eyes blaze with hate. Fires are rekindled between the two sides and old wounds opened up again. When people encounter something incomprehensible, they would say it is all Greek to me to show that they dont understand at all. 3.2 Reflection of racial discrimination 3.2.1 Discrimination against Native American Before starting this part, I want to make it clear that all the idioms below come from On English Language against Non-English Nationalities by Mao Fasheng except those with special notes. An Indian giver refers to a person who gives a gift but require something in return later. This expression originates from around 1765 and the American colonial days. (Li, 2009:57) To the early American Indians, gifts were simply form of trade goods. A person gave a gift in hope of something of equivalent in return. However, to the European settlers, such kind of custom appeared to be insulting. In their minds, gifts were freely given rather than for trade practices. The original meaning of the expression was only the expectation of a gift in return. By the late 1800s, its sense shifted to describe someone who demands return while giving. Indian giving is a similar terms used to satirize the giver. We should handle an Indian gift with caution as well as Greek gift. The present is given by someone with expectation of receiving another from us. An Indian sign is a magic spell cast on a person to control him or bring him bad luck. If a girl is able to put or have an Indian sign on a boy, then she fascinates him perhaps with her dazzling loveliness. Americans regarded the Indians as dumb, irritable and evil-minded. Terms like cigar-store Indian, dumb Indian, wooden Indian portray a negative image for the Indians as boring and foolish. To get ones Indian up is to get mad or be inflamed with rage. It shares the same meaning as two other figures of speech get ones Dutch up and get ones Irish up. The proverb The only good Indian is a dead Indian (Liu, 2003:131) characterizes the American relationship with Indians. 3.2.2 Discrimination against African-American In American history ¼Ã…’African-Americans were subject to discrimination and their life were sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation. They were faced with poor living conditions and harsh working environments. Being despised, hated, disgraced and oppressed by racists, they lived in misery and suffering. Even today, in the society of more advanced civilization, the phenomenon of racial discrimination still exists. Racism is still a sensitive and serious issue that the world seeks to solve. From the view of language, racial slurs are to be found everywhere. Nigger, niggra, niggruh and Negro (Jiao, 2009:57) are common slavery-imposed epithets with evident insult to the black. They remind people the bitter period of slavery when African-Americans struggled for freedom. To work like a negro/nigger refers to somebody who works or is forced to work very hard just like a slave. Even in literature, we can see racial slurs in world-famous works. For example, some African-Americans complained about the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain. They claimed that the writer should not have used the word nigger in the book. The following dialogue, in particular, stirs up strong discontent amongst African-Americans. Good gracious. Anybody hurt? Nom killed a nigger. Well, its lucky because sometimes people do get hurt.  [1]   We should try not to get involved in the issue of racial discrimination; otherwise we may place ourselves in criticism and trouble. In 1999, David Howard, the aide of Washington, DC mayor Anthony Williams resigned after being accused of using a racial slur.  [2]  Mr. Howard, head of the Office of Public Advocate, used the word niggardly when delivering the budget report in one of the regular meetings by municipal government. As a matter of fact, niggardly is defined as stingy or ungenerous and does not have any racial connotations. Yet, staff members present which was made up of two blacks and another white were offended by the word. Soon after the meeting, the rumor began to spread that Howard had used the racial slur nigger. Howard said such rumor has severely compromised my effectiveness as the Districts Public Advocate and in the best interest of my office, I resigned.  [3]  Howard was innocent in this issue. The real problem is that niggardly has a similar pronunciation with nigger. An important lesson we can learn out of this is that people especially government officials should avoid using not only racial slurs but also words sounding similar to them. 4. Negative effects of linguistic discrimination 4.1 Verbal counterback in other languages against English slurs Linguistic discrimination in English would surely result in verbal attack from those countries that have been insulted by English-speaking countries. It is normal to find ethnic slurs in other languages than English. For instance, in the French language, les sombikes (Liu, 1999:81), which has the same meaning as son of a bitch in the English language, is used as a disparaging term for an American. The phrase dates from the First World War when American soldiers liked to shout the expletive son of a bitch. As a matter of fact, almost any language contains ethnic slurs. It may be just to say that any ethnic in the world is apt to glorify its own group and meanwhile look down upon others. This sense of national superiority, more or less, is reflected in the language. 4.2 Negative impact on international relations Based on numerous historical events, linguistic discrimination against other nations and races mirrors barriers, conflicts, and hatred between different ethnic groups. It is a social problem that cannot be neglected. The usage of slurs can be detrimental to international relations. It exerts negative impact on social equity, stability and harmony. History teaches us that it has clearly influenced national unity and integrity in such a country of great ethnic complexity as America. As long as inter-ethnic inequality and contractions exist in human society, they would find expression in the language. Conversely ¼Ã…’linguistic discrimination would trigger hostility and conflicts between ethnics. They together initiate a vicious cycle and people get trapped in it. 5. State of English linguistic discrimination in modern society 5.1 Common existence of English linguistic discrimination It is undeniable that the phenomenon of English linguistic discrimination is still very common in modern society. People use those idioms in daily life, consciously or not. They may say a slur without recognizing that it is offensive and may cause them trouble. Why are discriminatory language still used today even if hostilities ended hundreds of years ago? As is discussed in chapter 1.1, language develops and evolves with society. Once words are given derogatory meanings, it would be difficult to change or eliminate them. It often happens that language is more conservative than civilization, material as well as moral. Objects, institutions, ideas, scientific concepts change in the course of time; yet in many cases the name is retained and thus helps to ensure a sense of tradition and continuity. (Ullmann 1977:198) 5.2 Sign of improvements on the phenomenon Fortunately, we have seen evidence of improvements on the phenomenon of national and racial discrimination in the English language. For example, In the September of 2001, the mountain Chinks Peak in the Pocatello Range in Idaho State got its new official name Chinese Peak from the United States Board of Geographic Names. The original name Chinks Peak was deemed offensive and racist. Some people especially Chinese Americans strongly requested th

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Designing a Leaflet :: Leaflets Consumerism Essays

Designing a Leaflet Tasks: 1. Design Leaflet 2. Produce Pricing System 3. Create a website 4. Create a Labelling System Task 1: Analysis Design a leaflet containing the information of the content of the shop’s selling items, prices, opening and closing hours. Form of Output:  · Hand made leaflet on an A4 sized page, which will be photo copied many times and be posted off to companies, businesses, and near by houses. The leaflet will contain pictures of sandwiches and various drinks Information to be output:  · On the first page I will have the Lancre lunch box logo.  · Opening hours  · Closing hours  · Shop name  · Location  · Map with Location clearly labelled  · Pricing  · Vouchers giving a certain amount of cash off certain sandwiches, printed in each leaflet!  · Terms and conditions top using the vouchers. (In small print on the last page, not to waste space for other deals and advertisements.  · Information on different types of sandwiches, providing a different vegetarian alternative menu for vegetarian customers.  · Information on a large selection of meat sandwiches for the majority of customers who are meat eaters. Data for output:  · On the first page I will have the Lancre lunch box logo.  · Opening hours  · Closing hours  · Shop name  · Location  · Map with Location clearly labelled Desired outcomes: 1. Text must stand out 2. Details must stand out 3. Must be colourful 4. Must be easy to read 5. Information must be justified and look neat Task 1: Design: Leaflet I have designed 2 leaflets on paper. Shortly after I designed the first one, I surveyed the issues and problems that arose. I solved the problems and applied the changes to the second leaflet. I will be using Microsoft publisher to design the leaflet. This program will provide a solution because:  · It has a colour feature, which I will take full advantage of, to attract potential customers.  · It has the ability to show me my 3-page leaflet via a visual display unit (VDU).  · It is very user friendly in the way that it can easily interpret my desired outcomes. E.g. the leaflet feature used to create a leaflet.  · Will give me a good visualisation of the outcome!  · It is specially designed to create this type of outcome! (A leaflet)  · I can import colour graphic files! Why I have chosen the colours and effects that I have chosen for the leaflet: Front page:  · I will have an Ivy border due to the fact that it will create good contrast against the Lancre lunch box logo! It will also look very

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Distance Learning Essay -- Essays Papers

Distance Learning Many institutions of higher education are experimenting with changes having to do with class offerings. According to Keegan, â€Å"It is not easy to define distance education.† An early descriptive definition states that distance education learners are usually taught as individuals and not in groups (Rossman 8). Distance education can be thought of as instructional delivery that does not constrain the student to be physically present in the same location as the instructor. Distance learning is a newly emerging trend that many institutions are taking advantage of. At the present, this type of learning is primarily used for those people who cannot attend courses on a campus. Distance learning is just another sign pointing towards the emergence of a worldwide electronic university. Through these programs, institutions are creating truly â€Å"global classrooms.† In today’s technologically advanced society, the term â€Å"classroom† has a new meaning. In distance learning, one’s classroom could consist of a television classroom, a â€Å"virtual classroom,† a teleconference, a â€Å"virtual reality† classroom, and others. The traditional classroom is being substituted for classrooms that accommodate each different distance-learning program. Virtual classrooms take place on the computer and can be accessed anywhere. Teleconferences take place on the telephone. On-line courses are held anytime on-line, which makes it easier for the student taking the course. Another form of distance education is visual learning, which includes using video systems and broadcast television. Television broadcasts are used for one-way video and audio presentations. Radios and tapes can also allow the student to listen to lectures one way and audio-... ... to the educating of today’s society. Distance learning is thought to be able to increase global unity, create an easier, less stressful way to receive a quality education, and overall create a greater passion for learning(Rossman 138). Works Cited Hodgson, Vivien E, Sarah J. Mann, and Robin Snell. Beyond Distance Teaching-Towards Open Learning. Philadelphia:Open University Press, 1987. 1-181. Kennedy, Kristen. â€Å"Intellectual Property in the Digital Age.† Technology and Learning 22(2001):8 Porter, Lynette R. Creating the Virtual Classroom:Distance Learning with the Internet. New York: John Wiley and Sons Inc.,1997.1-83 Rossman,Parker.The Emerging Worldwide Electronic University:Information Age Global Higher Education.Connecticut:Greenwood Press, 1992.1-89. â€Å"The Army Marches Into Online Learning.† Black Issues in Higher Education 24(2001):17